
Who am I ?

Welcome visitor, let me introduce myself: I am a computer scientist @ Tor Vergata, with a particular interest in the study of Distributed and Randomized Algorithem, Algorithmic Game Theory and Complexity Theory. First of all I would like to emphasize to you reader, that I am a computer scientist, and not a computer technician. What’s the difference? To give an idea of the difference, asking a computer scientist to fix your computer is the same as asking a mathematician to do the multiplication and division when the receipt arrives at the end of the dinner. Certainly the mathematician will know how to do them (as he learned the multiplication tables in elementary school), but I can assure you that there is no exam done on purpose to do calculations in mind.

So …

My skills

As I have already mentioned, I am passionate about theoretical computer science. In reality, that’s not all … I’m interested in computer science in general, in every aspect of it: theoretical and practical. In addition to theory, I love developing software and trying new languages, with related combinations of programming paradigms. I am of the philosophy of

“In computer science, if something theoretical is not implemented, in some way it is as if it did not exist."


Languages I know:

  • More confident with

    • C/C++
    • Dart
    • Go
    • Julia
    •  Java
    •  Javascript
    •  Python
    • Bash
  • Less confident with

    • Haskell
    • R
    • Rust
    • Prolog
    •  Solidity
  • Just basic

    • Lisp
    • APL
    • Mathlab

Other non-programming languages I know are:

  • / HTML/CSS
  • $ \LaTeX $
  •  Markdown
  • Org-Mode


  •  Node.js
  •  Bootstrap
  •  Android
  • Tomcat
  • Flutter
  • Processing
  • Manim
  • Hugo
  • Truffle
  • Jupiter/Pluto Notebook


My Activity

How I look like


More interesting info

  • I am a Linux/Mac / user. My currente OSs:
    •  Android.
    •  Pop!_os.
    •  Pop!_os.
    •  Mac os.
  • I  . Favorite beers:
    • Bock
    • Strong Belgian Ale
    • Imperial Stout
    • Dunkel
    • Schwarzbier
    • Märzen
  • If you want to drink a beer with me, you are welcome, just mail me.
  • I like dogs . My dogs:
    • Jack (11yo) jack russel
    • Laila (9yo) golden retriever
    • Jenny (7yo) golden retriever
    • Nelson (6yo) golden retriever


Anyone who knows me, knows that I am always open to approach and learn new technologies. But please don’t make me job offers involving the following technologies:

  • Java and all related frameworks.
  • Microsoft and all related technologies and languages (e.g. .NET, C#, Azure, …).
  • Anything related to software engineering, especially UML diagrams!

Any such requests will be strictly ignored with contempt.


I forgot PHP, I hate PHP …